
  • 2024
    Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
    Clarkson University, Postdam NY, USA
  • 2018
    B.Sc. in Computer Enginnering
    Clarkson University, Postdam NY, USA


  • 2018 - 2024
    Research Assistant
    Clarkson University, Potsdam NY, USA
    Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • Created AdjointDEIS a novel technique to calculate the gradients for diffusion ODEs/SDEs
    • Proposed Diffusion Morphs (DiM) a novel family of face morphing algorithms
      • Developed Fast-DiM a more computationally efficient version of DiM which uses high-order ODE solvers
      • Designed Greedy-DiM an improvment on the vanilla DiM algorithm which uses a greedy strategy to preform guided generation
    • Developed a SOTA morph detection algorithm using adversarial learning
  • 2015 - 2018
    Undergraduate Research Assistant
    Clarkson University, Potsdam NY, USA
    Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • Developed machine learning algorithms for the detection of malware using hardware information
    • Studied the theory of semi-supervised anomaly detection problems
  • Summer 2016
    Engineering Intern
    Griffiss Institute, Rome NY, USA
    • Generated meta-statistics for several machine learning datasets
    • Designed android application to display data from a backend server
  • Summer 2014
    Engineering Intern
    University of New Hampshire, Durham NH, USA
    InterOperability Laboratory
    • Designed a custom Linux image for embedded systems using the Yocto Project
    • Created a web application capable of monitoring and maintaining server processes

Awards and Honors

  • 2024
    • IJCB Docotral Consortium


  • 2023 - 2024
    • CyberSecurity Camp, Griffiss Institute
  • 2021 - 2022
    Teaching Assistant
    • CyberSecurity Camp, Griffiss Institute
  • 2021
    Teaching Assistant
    • Electrical Science, Clarkson University
  • 2018 - 2019
    Teaching Assistant
    • Introduction to Digital Design, Clarkson University
  • 2019
    Teaching Assistant
    • ECE Sophomore Lab, Clarkson University
  • 2017 - 2018
    Teaching Assistant
    • Software System Architecture, Clarkson University
  • 2016
    Teaching Assistant
    • Differential Equations, Clarkson University

Research Funding

  • 2023 - 2024
    Explainable Image Quality with Transformer-based Models
    • Chen Liu (PI), Zander Blasingame
    • Funding Agency: Center for Identification Technology Research, National Science Foundation
    • Amount: 50,000 (USD)
    • Role: Student Investigator
  • 2021 - 2024
    Towards the Creation of a Large Dataset of High-Quality Face Morphs
    • Chen Liu (PI), Stephanie Schuckers, Xin Li, Jeremy Dawson, Nasser Nasrabadi, David Doermann, Srirangaraj Setlur, Siwei Lyu, Xiaoming Liu, Sébastien Marcel
    • Funding Agency: Center for Identification Technology Research, National Science Foundation
    • Amount: 400,000 (USD)
    • Role: Student Investigator at Clarkson
  • 2020 - 2022
    Comparative Detection of Facial Image Manipulation Techniques
    • Chen Liu (PI), Zander Blasingame
    • Funding Agency: Center for Identification Technology Research, National Science Foundation
    • Amount: 45,000 (USD)
    • Role: Student Investigator
  • 2019 - 2021
    Adversarial Learning Based Approach Against Face Morphing Attacks
    • Chen Liu (PI), Zander Blasingame
    • Funding Agency: Center for Identification Technology Research, National Science Foundation
    • Amount: 60,000 (USD)
    • Role: Student Investigator

Professional Services

  • Journal Reviewer: Future Generation Computer Systems, IEEE Access
  • Conference Reviewer: AISTATS (2025), ICLR (2025), NeurIPS (2024), IJCB (2024), ICPR (2024), MOST (2023, 2024), PMAM (2022, 2023), ICANN (2021), IISWC (2020), BTAS (2019), ISPA (2018)


  • Programming Languages: Python, C/C++, Java, Javascript, Bash, MATLAB, VHDL, Assembly
  • Frameworks: TensorFlow, Pytorch, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Plotly, Pandas, Jax
  • Tools: Vim, Git, Linux, Docker, LaTeX
  • Audio: Over a decade of exeperience as a FOH engineer including theater productions and worship services

Academic Interests

  • Generative Models
    • Bespoke ODE/SDE solvers
    • Stochastic calculus
    • Latent representations
    • Latent editing
    • Autoencoding for generative models
  • Biometrics
    • Face morphing
    • Adversarial attacks
    • Deepfakes